Equipment by Name
To reserve equipment time, or to view more information about an equipment, click on the equipment name. Visit the Equipment Rates page for our equipment rate schedule.
Name | Status | Keywords |
4 Point Probe Station | Available | Metrology |
ALD - Cambridge Nano Fiji 200 | Available | Film Deposition |
Allied Multi-prep Lapping and Polishing system | Available | Sample Preparation |
Amerimade Bench BOE/HF | Available | Wet Processing |
Amerimade Bench SC1/SC2 | Available | Wet Processing |
Amira - Tomography Software | Up | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Asher - Anatech Barrel SCE600 | Available | Plasma |
Asher - Tepla M4L | Available | Plasma |
Autosorb iQ - Analysis (Ar, CO2, He) | In Use | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Autosorb iQ - Krypton | Available | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Autosorb iQ - Outgassing (monitor) | In Use | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Bruker Optical Profilometer | Available | Metrology, Surface Analysis... |
Cameca SX Five FE EPMA | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
Coater - Carbon | Available | Sample Preparation |
Coater - Hummer V Au-Pd | Available | Sample Preparation |
Coater - SPI Au-Pd | Available | Sample Preparation |
Coulter LS13320 | Available | Particle Analysis/Character... |
Critical Point Dryer | Down | Wet Processing |
Dicing Saws- ADT | Available | Dicing/Bonding |
DRIE - Deep RIE, STS | Available | Plasma |
DRIE - Oxford Plasma Pro | Available | Plasma |
E-beam evaporator, PVD | Available | Film Deposition |
EDAX EDS/EBSD on FEI Helios NanoLab 600i dual beam | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
Electronic Measurement, Lakeshore 7507 | Available | Metrology |
Ellipsometer, J.A. Woolam | Available | Metrology, Surface Analysis... |
FIB/SEM - FEI Helios G4 PFIB CXe dual beam | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
FIB/SEM - FEI Helios NanoLab 600i dual beam | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
Flexus 2320 | Available | Metrology |
FTIR/FTIR Microscope - ThermoFisher iS50 | Available | Spectroscopy |
Furnace Tube, Thermcraft, General Hot Process | Available | Hot Processing |
Furnace Tube, Tystar #1 Wet and dry Ox | Available | Hot Processing |
General Acids/Bases Bench-Left | Available | Wet Processing |
Heidelberg Laser Writer | Available | Photolithography |
Horiba microRaman | Available | Metrology, Spectroscopy |
JST Wet Bench | Available | Wet Processing |
K&S 4124 Ball Bonder, Gold Ball | Available | Dicing/Bonding |
K&S 4700 Wedge Bonder (Staff Run) | Down | Dicing/Bonding |
Labconco Triad Freeze Dryer | Available | Sample Preparation |
Litho Process BSC-100 Spinner | Available | Photolithography |
Litho Process EVG Model 620 w/BSA | Available | Photolithography |
Litho Process Karl Suss MA6 | Available | Photolithography |
Litho Process Laurell Litho Bay & Hot Plate/Oven | Available | Photolithography |
Litho Process Laurell Spinner E-Beam Bay & Hot Plate/Oven | Available | Photolithography |
Litho Process Suss Delta 20 & Hot Plate | Down | Photolithography |
Litho Process Suss Delta 80 & Hot Plate/Oven | Available | Photolithography |
Malvern Zetasizer Ultra | Available | Particle Analysis/Character... |
Nano-CT - GE v|tome|x m 240 | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Nano-CT Image Processing/Reconstruction System | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Nikon LV100 Microscope | Available | Metrology |
Objet 3D Printer | Available | 3D Printing |
Oven, YES, Image Reversal/HMDS | Available | Photolithography |
Paar Physica Electro Kinetic Analyzer | Down | Particle Analysis/Character... |
Panalytical XPert MRD | In Use | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Panalytical XPert Powder | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
PDMS Process Tools - Room 235 | Available | Other |
PDMS-Spinner | Available | Other |
PECVD - STS 310PC SiO2 - SiN - Amorphous Si | Available | Film Deposition |
PECVD - Unaxis 790 PECVD | Available | Film Deposition |
Perkin-Elmer PHI 660 - AES | Down | Surface Analysis/Characteri... |
Photospectrometer, Filmetrics F40 | Available | Metrology |
Profilometer, Dektak 150 | Available | Metrology |
Profilometer, Tencor AS500 | Available | Metrology |
Quantachrome PoreMaster Mercury Porosimeter | Down | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Quantachrome Porometer 3g zh | Down | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Quantachrome Ultrapyc 1000 Gas Pycnometer | Down | Porosimetry/Porometry/Surfa... |
Raith 150, e-beam lithography | Available | Photolithography |
Rheometer - ARES LS1 | Available | Other Analytical Techniques |
RIE - Unaxis 790 RIE | Available | Plasma |
RIE/ICP - Trion | Available | Plasma |
RIE/ICP - Unaxis SLR | Available | Plasma |
RTA, SSI Solaris 150 | Down | Hot Processing |
RTA, Steag 100CS RTP | Available | Hot Processing |
S/TEM - FEI Talos F200i | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
S/TEM - FEI Tecnai F20 | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
S/TEM - FEI Themis Z | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
SCS Parylene Coater | Available | Film Deposition |
SEM - FEI Nova 430 w/EDS & CL | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
SEM - Hitachi S-3000 | Down | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
SEM - JEOL 5700 | Available | Metrology |
SEM - Tescan MIRA3 | Available | Electron Microscopy/Microan... |
Solvent Bench #1 Lift Off | Available | Wet Processing |
Solvent Bench #1 PR Strip | Available | Wet Processing |
Solvent Bench 2 - hot plate and workspace | Up | Wet Processing |
Spin Dryer - Sitek | Available | Wet Processing |
SPM/AFM Dimension 3100 | Available | Surface Analysis/Characteri... |
Sputter Deposition, AJA - STAFF ONLY | Available | Film Deposition |
Sputter Deposition, Evatec Clusterline 200 | Down | Film Deposition |
Sputter Deposition, KJL CMS-18 Multi-Source | Available | Film Deposition |
Struers Tegramin 30 Polisher | Available | Sample Preparation |
TSI PSD 3603 (Aerosizer) | Down | Particle Analysis/Character... |
UV/Vis - Perkin-Elmer Lambda 800 | Available | Spectroscopy |
Versa software workstation | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Wafer Bonder, EVG 501 | Available | Dicing/Bonding |
Xnovo software workstation | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
XPS - ULVAC-PHI XPS | Available | Surface Analysis/Characteri... |
XRay Software Remote Workstation | Up | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
XRD Software Workstation | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |
Zeiss Microscope | Available | Metrology |
ZEISS Versa 620 XRM | Available | X-Ray Analysis/Characteriza... |