Objet 3D Printer - Status: In Use

The Objet260 Connex2 3D printer is capable of high resolution printing of several different materials. It has the ability to blend materials to create a wide spectrum of material properties for desired applications.

We currently stock some Rigid Opaque and Rubber-Like Materials. Inquire about other materials found here: Available Materials

CURRENTLY INSTALLED: verowhite veroclear tangoblack

3D printing wiki link

Print file requirements, repair, and tips

Model materials: Rigid Opaque (White, Black, Gray and Blue), Rubber, Transparent, Simulated Polypropylene, Biocompatible, High Temperature (up to 80°C)
Digital Materials: Digital ABS and Digital ABS2, Wide range of translucencies, Rubber blends, Simulated Polypropylene materials with improved heat resistance
Support material: FullCure 706 non-toxic gel-like soluble photopolymer support
Net build size: 255 x 252 x 200 mm (10.0 x 9.9 x 7.9 in.)
Layer thickness: Horizontal build layers as fine as 16 microns (0.0006 in.)
Build resolution: X-axis: 600 dpi; Y-axis: 600 dpi; Z-axis: 1600 dpi
Accuracy: Approximately 20µm for vertical ( z axis) and 40µm for X, Y.
Rates: Setup and waste fee per build tray are $56 for UF users and $87 for external users. Materials range from $0.16-$0.26 per gram.

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