SEM - JEOL 5700 - Status: Available
The JEOL 5700 utilizes a standard tungsten filament and is capable of imaging from 8X to 300,000X and up to 5nm resolution.
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The JEOL CarryScope is a compact and portable SEM that utilizes a standard tungsten filament. The CarryScope is capable of imaging from 8X to 300,000X and up to 5nm resolution. Accelerating voltage can be varied from 500V to 20kV and the beam diameter can also be adjusted. It features manual XYZ stages with full 360° rotation and -10° to 90° tilt and can hold a full 4” wafer. It is to be used for inspecting and measuring samples processed in the NRF cleanroom. NO SAMPLES CREATED OUTSIDE THE CLEANROOM WILL BE ALLOWED.
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