TSI PSD 3603 (Aerosizer) - Status: Down

  • Current Status: Down
  • Training: View Topics/Sessions
  • Use Rates:
    • External Academic & Government: $54.00/Hour
    • External Affiliated Commercial/Industrial: $132.00/Hour
    • External Commercial/Industrial: $176.00/Hour
    • External International Academic: $72.00/Hour
    • Internal Standard: $36.00/Hour
  • Service: Request Service Quote. The Staff rate is $50/hour (Internal) and $55 /hour (External) in addition to the instrument rate.
  • Building: NANO (0070)
  • Room: Particle Analysis 2 (224)
  • In Cleanroom: No
  • Main Contact: Kristy Schepker
The PSD 3603 measures particle size distributions of dry particles or aerosolized liquids in the range of 0.2 to 700 microns by aerodynamic time of flight.

The TSI PSD3603 (Aerosizer) measures particles one at a time in the range of 0.20 - 700 microns. The particles may be in the form of a dry powder or may be sprayed from a liquid suspension as an aerosol. The particles are blown through the system and dispersed in air to a preset count rate. The Aerosizer operates on the principle of aerodynamic time of flight. The particles are accelerated by a constant, known force due to airflow and are forced through a nozzle at nearly sonic velocity. Smaller particles are accelerated at a greater rate than large particles due to a greater force-to-mass ratio. Two laser beams measure the time of flight through the measurement region by detecting the light scattered by the particles. Statistical methods are used to correlate the start and stop times of each particle in a particular size range (channel) through the measurement zone. The time of flight is used in conjunction with the density of the particles and calibration curves established by Amherst (see: Aerosol Science & Technology 29:433-441, 1998) to determine the size distribution of the sample.

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