Horiba microRaman - Status: Available
The Horiba Aramis Raman system is a software selectable multi-wavelength Raman/PL system. Mapping is possible through a motorized stage with motorized Z “autofocus” and DuoScan laser rastering for mapping within the objective field of view.
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The Horiba Aramis Raman system is a software selectable multi-wavelength Raman/PL system. Mapping is possible through a motorized stage with motorized Z “autofocus” and DuoScan laser rastering for mapping within the objective field of view.
Lasers: 325nm, 532nm, 633nm, and 785nm
Gratings: 300g/mm, 600g/mm, 1800g/mm, 2400g/mm
Objective lens: 10x, 50x, 100x, 40x (for UV work)
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