Autosorb iQ - Outgassing (monitor) - Status: In Use

Fully automated high-resolution gas sorption analyzer possessing three sample ports (analysis station) and four sample preparation ports (outgassing station). Includes a turbo-molecular drag pump and low-pressure transducers (10 and 1 Torr) for measurement of adsorption behavior at pressures required for low surface area measurements (requires krypton) and to observe the filling of micropores.

One port is available as a chemisorption station, complete with a high-temperature (1100⁰C) furnace coupled with fan-assisted cooling, and a digital temperature controller for precise chemisorption measurements. Includes automated gas switching, in-situ and/or separated sample preparation.

A vapor dosing option is available for both physi - and chemi- sorption analysis and features a 50°C thermostatted manifold chamber. Typical vapors include water, alcohols, and aromatics which can impact material characteristics, shelf life, performance, and stability.

Also, our Autosorb iQ is integrated with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) & cold trap option and includes electronic loop injection. TCD enables to perform temperature programmed methods TPR (temperature-programed reaction)/ TPD (temperature-programed desorption)/ TPO (temperature-programed oxidation) and pulse chemisorption analyses for use with a wide-range of gases. The included, automatic loop injector allows for easy pulse titration analyses as well as peak calibration activities. Users can view the current tool screen (available on campus or via VPN only):

Analysis Capabilities:

  • Single-point and Multi-point BET surface area range from ~0.0005 m2/g to no known upper limit.
  • Pore size distribution range ~3.5 Å -5000 Å (0.35 nm – 500 nm).
  • Able to collect data at relative pressures from 1 x 10-7 when using nitrogen gas at 77K (or argon gas at 87 K).
  • Characterization of active surface area, heats of adsorption, percent dispersion and average crystallite size by the static chemisorption method.
  • Includes Windows® based ASiQWin™ instrument control, data acquisition, and data reduction software providing all classical surface area and pore size measurement models (BET, t-plot, STSA, BJH, DA, DR, HK, SF, etc.) as well as the most comprehensive DFT library (NLDFT, QSDFT, GCMC).

Gases available:

  • Helium (for measuring the void volumen during analysis).
  • Nitrogen (for adsorption isotherms).
  • Hydrogen (for chemisorption analysis).
  • If you would like to use other type of gas for your experiments, please contact us.

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