Nuclear Fuels & Materials Characterization Facility (NFMCF)
The Nuclear Fuels and Materials Characterization Facility (NFMCF) is a facility dedicated to radiological work that offers access to anyone interested in conducting microstructural characterization of irradiated materials and fuels. NFMCF is part of the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering’s Nanoscale Research Facility (NRF) and is committed to enhancing research, education, and public service missions of the University of Florida (UF).
Users have the option of either performing the sample preparation and analysis themselves (upon instruction from UF staff and demonstration of instrument proficiency) or having the work performed as a service by our trained staff (with or without the user, depending on preference).
FEI Helios Nanolab 600 dual beam focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM), equipped with:
- EDAX Velocity electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and Octane Elite energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) detectors.
- Hysitron PI88 SEM PicoIndenter with heating option (up to 800C) and extended range transducer (>500 mN).
FEI Tecnai F20 scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) equipped with:
- Gatan UltraScan 1000P camera and EDAX r-TEM super ultra-thin window Si(Li) EDS system.
Radiological Limits
NFMC can accept specimens with dose rates up to 300 mR/hr at contact and operates under a state of Florida license, which allows 500 mCi of each isotope between atomic numbers 3 and 83 and 10 mCi of each isotope above atomic number 83, with the total limit not to exceed 200 mCi.
The removable contamination limits are 100 dpm/100 cm2 for beta/gamma and 50 dpm/100 cm2 for alpha. Specimen that have removable contamination above specified limits will not be released or received at UF. Solid, liquid, and powder specimens can be handled.
The university setting allows all researchers to access campus, regardless of their level of clearance or residency. To become a user and schedule training on NFMCF equipment, please visit the NRF become a user page.
To request service, please visit the NRF become a user page.
One Stop Shop
The UF campus includes training reactor (UFTR) and extensive laboratories for evaluation of both irradiated and unirradiated materials. As the only nuclear engineering program in the state, UF facilities include but are not limited to a reactor facility, a hot cell, microstructural characterization laboratories, and mechanical testing laboratories.
UF offers a ‘one-stop-shop’ approach to facility users since UF can arrange for shipment of test materials to and from UF laboratories. UF can offer final radiological waste disposal upon completion of the work effort, through the UF Radiation Control Office.
The university supports rapid-turnaround projects and mid- to long-term research efforts. UF is fully committed to completing work for users on schedule and on budget.
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